So after our discussion in class today about grasping the concepts of memory that we want to use for our are some artticles for all of us to look into, only 2/3 each, but Im sure theyre going to really help us. If it's a book which google books omits a few pages/chapters, just look at any summaries/criticisms about it on the net. It will probably be useful to look at any criticisms to our articles to see if they are any ideas we're missing.
Lizzie :
1) Walter Benjamin : The work of art in the age of the mechanical reproduction.
See if he has anything else interesting too.
2) N. Benoit-Lapierre : Dialectique de la mémoire et de l'oubli
3) R. Robin : La mémoire saturée
1) Paul Ricoeur : La mémpire, l'histoire, l'oubli
2) A. Wieviorka : Déportation et génocide : entre la mémoire et l'oubli
1) Pierre Nora: Entre mémoire et histoire
2)T.Todorov: Les abus de la mémoire
1) P. Bertrand: L'oubli: révolution ou mort de l'histoire
2) MC Lavabre: Usages et mésusages de la notion de mémoire
1) T. Ferenczi : Devoir de mémoire, droit a l'oubli?
2) F. Dosse: Entre histoire et mémoire: Une histoire sociale de la mémoire
So as we've decided, we will read them and bring notes to our group meeting on Friday 12-3pm or 1-3pm depending on your classes etc.
Also, if we could bring any notes made of the previous research we've done, that would be Fantastico!
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