Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Important research on our theme

So after our discussion in class today about grasping the concepts of memory that we want to use for our theme...here are some artticles for all of us to look into, only 2/3 each, but Im sure theyre going to really help us. If it's a book which google books omits a few pages/chapters, just look at any summaries/criticisms about it on the net. It will probably be useful to look at any criticisms to our articles to see if they are any ideas we're missing.

Lizzie :
1) Walter Benjamin : The work of art in the age of the mechanical reproduction.
See if he has anything else interesting too.
2) N. Benoit-Lapierre : Dialectique de la mémoire et de l'oubli
3) R. Robin : La mémoire saturée

1) Paul Ricoeur : La mémpire, l'histoire, l'oubli
2) A. Wieviorka : Déportation et génocide : entre la mémoire et l'oubli

1) Pierre Nora: Entre mémoire et histoire
2)T.Todorov: Les abus de la mémoire

1) P. Bertrand: L'oubli: révolution ou mort de l'histoire
2) MC Lavabre: Usages et mésusages de la notion de mémoire

1) T. Ferenczi : Devoir de mémoire, droit a l'oubli?
2) F. Dosse: Entre histoire et mémoire: Une histoire sociale de la mémoire

So as we've decided, we will read them and bring notes to our group meeting on Friday 12-3pm or 1-3pm depending on your classes etc.
Also, if we could bring any notes made of the previous research we've done, that would be Fantastico!

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