Saturday, 15 October 2011


This is an interesting one.
At first I thought it was just another form of street art but its actually part of :

Parkour (sometimes abbreviated to PK) is a utilitarian discipline based upon the direct, successful, swift traversing of one's surrounding environment via the practical application of techniques, based around the concept of self-preservation. It is a non-competitive, physical discipline of French origin in which participants run along a route, attempting to negotiate obstacles in the most efficient way possible, using only their bodies. Skills such as jumping, climbing, vaulting, rolling, swinging and wall scaling are employed. Parkour can be practiced anywhere, but areas dense with obstacles are preferable and it is most commonly practiced in urban areas.

The term "freerunning" is sometimes incorrectly used interchangeably with "l'art du déplacement".

This was part of a festival called Festival PERFFUSION, which took place the 19th-24th September 2011 in Strasbourg and was run by MARDI NOIR & DÉMOCRATIE CRÉATIVE. It is called L'ART DU DÉPLACEMENT, URBAN TRANING.
There are even videos of how they have moved the 'characters' to create this form of dance:
The people who organise this type of art are called Démocratie Créative 
A bit about them :
Démocratie Créativeest un projet d’études et d’actions artistiques dans l’espace public. A travers une démarche participative et expérimentale nous proposons d’imaginer la ville et ses possibilités.

Nos objectifs s'articulent autour de trois axes :
questionner le citadin sur son environnement quotidien  
impliquer les habitants dans l’appropriation de leur territoire  
échanger autour d‘espaces d’interventions

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